RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Regulation of β-Catenin Phosphorylation by PR55β in Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma JF Cancer Genomics - Proteomics JO Cancer Genomics Proteomics FD International Institute of Anticancer Research SP 53 OP 60 VO 15 IS 1 A1 ISHIBASHI, KANA A1 ISHII, KOTARO A1 SUGIYAMA, GORO A1 KAMATA, YU A1 SUZUKI, AZUSA A1 KUMAMARU, WATARU A1 OHYAMA, YUKIKO A1 NAKANO, HIROYUKI A1 KIYOSHIMA, TAMOTSU A1 SUMIDA, TOMOKI A1 YAMADA, TOMOHIRO A1 MORI, YOSHIHIDE YR 2018 UL http://cgp.iiarjournals.org/content/15/1/53.abstract AB Background/Aim: Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) is a rare cancer of the salivary gland with high risk of recurrence and metastasis. Wnt signalling is critical for determining tumor grade in AdCC, as it regulates invasion and migration. β-catenin dephosphorylation plays an important role in the Wnt pathway, but its underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear. Materials and Methods: Because the regulatory subunits of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) drive Wnt signalling via target molecules, including β-catenin, we used qRT-PCR and immunoblot analysis to investigate the expression of these subunits in an AdCC cell line (ACCS) and a more aggressive subline (ACCS-M). Results: PR55β was highly expressed in ACCS-M, suggesting its functional importance. In addition, PR55β expression was associated with tumor grade, with ACCS-M exhibiting higher PR55β levels. More importantly, knockdown of PR55β in ACCS-M cells significantly reduced invasiveness and metastatic ability. Furthermore, dephosphorylation and total levels of β-catenin were dependent on PR55β in ACCS-M. Finally, we confirmed a correlation between PR55β staining intensity and histopathological type in human AdCC tissues. Conclusion: Our study provides new insight into the interaction between PR55β and β-catenin and suggests that PR55β may be a target for the clinical treatment of AdCC.